Members of DISCO are dedicated to uncovering risk factors and potential pathogenic mechanisms of scoliosis. Based on these findings, they aim to develop more effective clinical diagnostic strategies and intervention methods.

Shiro Ikegawa教授来北京协和医院访问交流

On September 2, Dr. Shiro Ikegawa, the director of laboratory of Bone and Joint Diseases, RIKEN center for Intergrative Medical Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, paid a visit to Beijing Key Laboratory for Genetic Research of Skeletal Deformity of Peking Union Medical College Hospital (PUMCH) and gave a lecture at the PUMCH Academic Salon Series in scholarism auditorium of PUMCH. Dr. Shiro Ikegawa also visited the new-established Genetic Clinic of Skeletal Deformity.

Group photo of Dr. Shiro Ikegawa and members of DISCO

Group photo of Dr. Shiro Ikegawa, Dr. Zhihong Wu and Nan Wu

Dr. Nan Wu introduce the new-established Genetic Clinic of Skeletal Deformity.

Dr. Zhihong Wu and Dr. Ping Fang at the Genetic Clinic of Skeletal Deformity.
