
2024年2月6日,中国医学科学院/北京协和医学院吴南、仉建国及吴志宏共同通讯在Nature Communications 发表题为“Unraveling the genetic architecture of congenital vertebral malformation with reference to the developing spine”的研究论文,本研究分析了873名先天性椎体畸形先证者和3794名对照个体的外显子组/基因组测序数据。临床解读确定了12.0%先证者的孟德尔病因,并揭示了与肌肉相关的疾病机制。


近日,北京协和医院骨科的吴南、仉建国、香港中文大学的高波、香港大学的钟培言等合作,在Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences杂志上发表了题为Core Planar Cell Polarity Genes VANGL1 and VANGL2 in Predisposition to Congenital Vertebral Malformations 的研究论文。研究发现,Vangl1和Vangl2缺陷小鼠表现出严重的先天性椎体畸形,成功模拟了CS患者的脊柱畸形。在多中心和多种族的CS队列遗传学数据中,发现了大量罕见且有害的VANGL1和VANGL2基因突变,通过体外和体内功能实验证实了其致病性。

指南与共识|中国 Ehlers-Danlos 综合征诊疗指南(上)


课题组在Journal of Medical Genetics杂志上发表Diagnostic yield and clinical impact of exome sequencing in early-onset scoliosis (EOS)

Early-onset scoliosis (EOS), defined by an onset age of scoliosis less than 10 years, conveys significant health risk to affected children. Identification of the molecular etiology underlying EOS patients could provide valuable information for both clinical management and prenatal screening. In this study, we consecutively recruited a cohort of 447 Chinese patients and another cohort of 13 EOS patients from the United States to test the diagnostic yield and clinical impact of ES.


2019年10月15日,吴南医生在于美国休斯顿举办的美国人类遗传学协会2019年年会上作了题为“Disruption of genes essential for Müllerian duct/Wolffian duct development in Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome (MRKHS)”的口头报告。DISCO项目组其他成员,包括赵森博士,王连雷博士、陈泽夫博士和赵恒强博士也在年会上作了海报介绍。


On September 5th, 2019, Dr. Nan Wu was invited to the annual meeting of 2019 International Consortium for Spinal Genetics, Development and Disease (ICSGDD; formerly ICSG and ICVAS), Stockholm, Sweden. He gave a key note lecture entitled “The genetic and molecular aspects of Early Onset Scoliosis (EOS)”. Dr Nan Wu paid a visit to National Genomics Infrastructure (NGI) of Sweden.